Inner Wisdom

Inner Wisdom

Do you wish to discover a new way of being, a new life path? 

Innersense Wellbeing Wisdom is in service training to provide you with guidance on that very journey, providing a variety of workshops and training in both 

Modern and Ancient therapies, opening, awakening and deepening the natural healer within. 

Training is provided in a relaxed, informal organic way for those who wish to develop their already existing skills and those wishing to embark on a path of service to others. All offerings are provided by a fully CertEd qualified Teacher trainer and Assessor to ensure the highest quality training is provided. 

Training sessions to come 

“Close your eyes and imagine the best version of you possible. That is who you really are, let go of any part that doesn’t believe it.”

C. Assad

“The Dalai Lama said… 

“The world will be saved by the Western Woman” 

And I agree she might be a burning worlds last chance. But before she saves the world, she has to save herself. So how? 

How do we heal ourselves to heal the world?” 

Sarah Durham Wilson 

Do it

Bringing together the energies of the Divine Feminine and Masculine duality, Light and Dark, the Sun and the Moon… 

“When the sacred Masculine is combined with the sacred Feminine inside of us we create the “sacred marriage” of compassion and passion in ourselves” 

Matthew Fox

The gathering of women in circles is an inner knowing…something in us sings to this calling whenever we are gathered in a group, you feel the energy rise within.

The purpose of the energy circles is to nurture, support and nourish the soul, to feel a bond, a connection of love strength and compassion for one another in a place of safety and mutual respect.

Innersense Wellbeing Nurture Circles bring together Earthly elements of the harmonising plant medicine Cacao, pure essential oils, herbs and essences along with spiritual elements of Tantric meditative practice, guided meditation and creative discussions.

Encompassing these modalities deepens our self-awareness, improves mental health and wellbeing, gives clarity, a sense of peace and a feeling of self-worth. 

It is the joining of kindred spirits, like minded souls, supporting one another, a sense of community, love importantly trust, unity wholeness, strength and compassion 

“This is the power of gathering: It inspires us – Delightfully _ To be more hopeful, more joyful, more thoughtful: In a word, more alive”

Alice Waters 

Reiki Attunements

Reiki is a way of life, a path that seeks us. Having an attunement allows you to connect with the universal energy that I will attune you to.

There are three stages

Reiki 1 - Shoden

This is an introduction to the amazing life of Reiki, receiving the first symbol, this allows to meditate with the Reiki energy, to learn the hand positions through the teachings of Usui for self and others which allows you to practice on friends, family, pets and your environment. Once connected with Reiki energy it is with you the whole of your life.

Investment £100.00

Reiki 2 - Okuden

This next stage takes you a little deeper if you wish. At this stage you will be given a further 2 symbols, strengthening and developing a deeper connection encouraging intuition within your Reiki practice. At this stage you are able to practice as a practitioner, to give Reiki to others as well as provide distance Reiki energy to people or situations.

Investment £150.00

Reiki 3 - Shipiden - Reiki Master

At this level you are able to deepen your connection further and to receive your final symbol.

With this and skills provided in teachings you are able to then further to attune others.

Investment £200.00

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